Web Services

EFEHR follows, as far as the data providing institutions and projects allow, an open data policy. This refers not only to licensing, but also to technical interfaces: As far as possible, we try to provide not only interactive frontends for humans to view the data, but also documentation for APIs and web services which allows advanced users to build their own applications directly on top of EFEHR data services. 
EFEHR tries to leverage pre-existing formats (e.g. QuakeML, NRML) and service standards (RESTful web services, OGC standards) where adequate, and will propagate "simple" ad-hoc solutions in other cases.

We provide access services for hazard results (maps, curves, and uniform hazard spectra), and for the ESHM13 (SHARE) model we also offer OGC WMS for the input data sets Active Faults, Seismic Source Zones, and the SHEEC seismic catalog.

For technical documentation and (automatical) generation of service clients, we provide service documentation in WADL (web application description language) format: