Hazard Map Data

Model discovery service

User query

a)    Which hazard models provide hazard maps covering my site of interest?

b)    Which hazard models provide hazard maps covering my area of interest? The area is defined by a set of points. The response contains all models, of which the boundary polygon comprises all control points.

Request format

a)    [base-url]/map?lat=[latitude]&lon=[longitude]

b)    [base-url]/map?coordinates=[[latitude1, longitude1], [latitude2, longitude2], … [latitudeN, longitudeN]]

Request example

a)      http://appsrvr.share-eu.org:8080/share/map?lat=47.0&lon=6.0

b)      http://appsrvr.share-eu.org:8080/share/map?coordinates=[[-9,36],[-9,62],[30,62],[30,36]]

Response example

        <name>SHARE Mean Hazard Model</name>
        <name>SUIhaz15, Swiss Hazard Model 2015</name>

Discovering intensity measurement types of a model

User query

Given a model, for which intensity measurement types (IMT) or ground motion types are hazard maps available?

Request format


Request example


Response example

       <imname>Peak Ground Acceleration</imname>
       <imunittype>gravity, 1g = 980.5 cm/s/s defined for the B/C boundary Vs30=760m/s</imunittype>
        <imunittype>gravity, 1g = 980.5 cm/s/s</imunittype>
        <imunittype>gravity, 1g = 980.5 cm/s/s </imunittype>
        <imunittype>gravity, 1g = 980.5 cm/s/s</imunittype>
        <imunittype>gravity, 1g = 980.5 cm/s/s </imunittype>
        <imunittype>gravity, 1g = 980.5 cm/s/s </imunittype>
        <imunittype>gravity, 1g = 980.5 cm/s/s </imunittype>
        <imunittype>gravity, 1g = 980.5 cm/s/s </imunittype>
        <imunittype>gravity, 1g = 980.5 cm/s/s </imunittype>
        <imunittype>gravity, 1g = 980.5 cm/s/s </imunittype>
        <imunittype>gravity, 1g = 980.5 cm/s/s </imunittype>
        <imunittype>gravity, 1g = 980.5 cm/s/s </imunittype>


Discover probabilities of exceedance and timespans

User query

For which probabilities of exceedance, and time spans are hazard maps for a given model, and IMT available?

Request format


Request example


Response example


For which site classes do hazard results apply?

User query

Given a model, an IMT, and a probability of exceedance for a time span, for which site classes (or surface geology types) are hazard maps available?

Request format

[base-url]/map?id=[model-id]&imt=[IMT]&poe=[probability of exceedance, 0..1]&timespanpoe=[timespanpoe in years]

Request example


Response example


Hazard aggregation strategies in logic tree models

User query

Given a model, an IMT, and a probability of exceedance for a time span, and a soil type, how was the hazard of a multi-branch logic tree model aggregated for the available hazard maps? Potential answers are arithmetic mean, quantiles (ordinal aggregation with levels from 0 … 1), or “single” for single branch models without model branch aggregation.

Request format

[base-url]/map?id=[model-id]&imt=[IMT]&poe=[probability of exceedance, 0..1]&timespanpoe=[timespan in years]&soiltype=[soiltype]

Request example


Response example


Retrieve a map identifier for WMS, shp, and ascii data access

User query

Which is the identity, and WMS layer name, of the hazard map corresponding to all above selection criteria

Request format

[base-url]/map?id=[model-id]&IMT=[IMT]&poe=[probability of exceedance, 0..1]&timespanpoe=[timespan in years]&soiltype=[soiltype]&aggregationtype=[arithmetic | ordinal | single]&aggregationlevel=[0..1]

Request example


Response example


The hmapwms identifier allows a twofold access to the entire hazard map:

a) WMS service

Web map services following OGC standards allow to integrate live hazard maps as a layer for viewing in many modern GIS packages.



srs=epsg:4326 - the coordinate system. Here: WGS-84 (currently no other coordinate systems are supported

bbox=0,40,22,55 - the bounding box of the requested maps in coordinates described above: [lower left easting],[lower left northing],[upper right easting],[upper right northing].

width=1200&height=800 - size of the requested map in pixels (should reflect aspect rate of bbox for good results)

format=png - file format of the requested map file (png, jpeg)

For a full list of layers, parameters and allowed values, you may issue a WMS GetCapabilities - request:




b) Download

Download the entire map as a zip-compressed ESRI shape file

Alternative data access: get the data of a specified map area in ascii format

User query

Provide the data of a user-defined sub-area (square defined by lower left and upper right coordinates) of a specific hazard map in ASCII format

Request format

[base-url]/map?id=[hazardModelID]&lon1=[lowerLeftLongitude]&lat1=[lowerLeftLatitude]&lon2=[upperRightLongitude]&lat2=[UpperRightLatitude]&imt=[IntensityMeausreType]&hmapexceedprob=[probability of exceedance]&hmapexceedyears =[timespan]&soiltype=[soil type] &aggregationtype =[arithmetic|ordinal] &aggregationlevel=[aggregation level]

Request example


Response example

# longitude; latitude; PGA

8.2821339; 51.2; 0.04202779014472185

8.2821339; 51.3; 0.0388970151615721

8.5821339; 51.2; 0.036568980015480555

8.4821339; 51.3; 0.036326226462101756

8.3821339; 51.3; 0.03721882843748435

8.5821339; 51.3; 0.035329551757294415

8.4821339; 51.2; 0.03748374369234045

8.1821339; 51.3; 0.04114214891532444

8.3821339; 51.2; 0.03976248251260659

8.1821339; 51.2; 0.04410048195059834

8.0821339; 51.3; 0.043218589367995046

8.0821339; 51.2; 0.04602245035525927
